Saturday, February 25, 2012

What is this and when is this Dream of the 90's are alive in dog agility land woodstock like burning man except with no naked people and so on?

It has been asked, what is this?

It is what it is.

Also with new and improved date, take note, kittens, of this fact:

July 28 and 29, 2012


  1. No spectating, only participating, and leave no trace. Do I have this right? And will Courtney Love be there to curse at all of us and frighten us with her alien face?

  2. Right on Tammy! This is very inspired but Portlandness! We are not sure what to do about Courtney Love. One of my dogs channels her on a regular basis so this might be enough Courtney but if she does show up, everybody hold on tight.
